略号 出版社名 (2013.03.13)
AB Aldo Bruzzichelli (Firenze) IMC International Music Company (U.S.A.)
ABI Alexander Broude, Inc. (U.S.A.) IO International Opus (U.S.A.)
ABR Associated Board of the Royal School of Music JLI JLIA 国際芸術連盟
AC August Cranz (Germany) Job Jobert (Paris)
ADV Akademische Druck und Verlagsanstalt (Austria) JW J. Weinberger (London, Wien)
AF A. Furstner (Mainz) K Edition Kneusslin (Bassel)
AL Alfred Lengnick (England) K&S Kistner & Siegel (Germany)
Alf Alfred Publishing Company (U.S.A.) Kal Kalmus Series - CPP/Belwin (U.S.A.)
Alt Edition Alto (Germany) Ken Kendor
AM アカデミア・ミュージック(東京) KM Kevin Mayfew (England)
Ama Amadeus Verlag (Zurich) Kos Edition kossack (Germany)
Ams Amsco (USA) Kun Edition Kunzelmann (Zurich)
Ash Ashley publications,Inc. (U.S.A.) Laar Laarber
Asto Astoria Verlag Led Alphonse Leduc (Paris)
Atl Atlantis Musikbuch (Germany) Lem Henry Lemoine (Paris)
AVG AMA Verlag GmbH Leu F.E.C. Leuckart (Germany)
B&B Bote & Bock (Berlin) Lib Liben Music Publishers (U.S.A.)
B&D Broadbent & Dunn Ltd. (London) LK Ludwig Krenn (Wien)
B&S Boccaccini & Spada (Roma) L-M Ludwig-Masters (U.S.A.)
BA Barenreiter Verlag (Kassel, Germany) LML Luck's Music Library (U..S.A.)
Bay Bayard-Nizet (Belgium) Lud Ludwin (U.S.A.)
BAオントモ 音楽之友社(ベーレンライター版リプリント) M&K Mersich & Kiess (Austria)
BA全音ゼンオン 全音(ベーレンライター版リプリント) M&M McGinnis & Marx (U.S.A.)
BB Broude Brothers (New York) M&S Mueller & Shad AG (Bern)
Bel Belaieff (Germany) Mae Maecenas Contemporary Composers (U.K.)
Ber Berben (Italy) MCA MCA Music (U.S.A.)
BHL Breitkopf & Hartel (Leipzig) McC McCoy's Horn Library (U.S.A.)
BHW Breitkopf & Hartel (Wiesbaden) McT McTier Music (England)
Bil Billaudot (Paris) MDF Mannel de Falla (Madrid)
BM Belwin Mills (U.S.A.) ME Max Eschig (Paris)
BMB Editions Marios Bois Med Medici Press (U.S.A.)
BMC Boston Music Company Mer Mercury
BMP Belmont Music Publishers (U.S.A.) MF Music Forum/Scriptorium Musicum (Hungary)
BoH Boosey & Hawkes (London, New York) ML Musicland (England)
Bon Bongiovanni (Italy) MMI Margun Music, Inc. (U.S.A.)
Bos Bosworth & Co. (London) MMP Masters Music Publications,Inc.(U.S.A.)
Bou Bourne Co. (U.S.A.) Moc Moeck (Germany)
BR Bartok Records & Publications (U.S.A.) MOE Musica Obscura Editions (U.S.A.)
BSS B. Schott's Sohne (Mainz) Mos Moeseller (Germany)
C Carisch (Italy) MP Musicians Publications (U.S.A.)
Cala Cala Records (U.K.) MR Musica Rara (France)
Cam Camden Music (London) MS Music Sales
Car Carp Music (U.S.A.) Muz Muzyka (Moscow)
CBD CeBeDem (Belgium) MWV Musikwissenschaftlicher Verlag (Wien)
CCBN Cheap Choice Brave and New Music Edition Neu Neuma (Hungary)
CdM Les Editions du chant du Monde (Paris) Niss David Nissen (U.K.)
CE Comus Edition (U.K.) Not Notissimo (France)
Cell CelloLid.com Nov Novello (England)
CF Carl Fischer (New York) NV Nagels Verlag (Kassel)
CFK C. F. Kahnt (Frankfurt) O-L L'oiseau-Lyre (Monaco)
CFS C. F. Schmidt (Germany) Onk Onkyo (東京トウキョウ)
CG Carl Gehrmans (Sweden) OUP Oxford University Press (England)
Che J. & W. Chester (London) Papa Papageno
ChF Charles Foley (New York) Pat Paterson's Publication (England)
Cho Choudens (Paris) PE Edition Peters (London)
CMP Carlin Music Publishing (U.S.A.) Pee Peer - Souther (New York,Hamburg)
Com Combre PF Edition Peters (Frankfurt)
Cons Editions Consonances PF音友オントモ 音楽之友社(ペータース版リプリント)
Corda Corda Phi Philharmonia (Universal Edition)
Cos Cotallat Ph音友オントモ 音楽之友社(フィルハーモニア版リプリント)
CPP CPP/Belwin, Inc. (U.S.A.) Piz Pizka
Cra Cramer Music (London) PN Edition Peters (New York)
Cu Cundy-Bettoney Co. (U.S.A.) PP Phyloscopus Publications (U.K.)
CV Carus Verlag (Germany) Pro Pro Musica (Germany)
Dan Samfundet til udgivelse at Dansk Musik (Kobengavn) PWM Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne (Poland)
Del Delrieu (Paris) R&E Ries & Erler (Berlin)
Dob Ludwig Doblinger (Wien) Rct Recital Music (England)
Doh Edition Dohr (Koeln) RF Rob. Forberg (Germany)
Dov Dover Publications, Inc. (New York) RG R G Edition
Dow Dowani RK Robert King
Dre Verlag Dreililien (Berlin) RL Robert Lienau (Germany)
Du Durand (Paris) Ron Rongwen Music, Inc. (New York)
DVM Deutscher Verlag fur Musik (Germany) Rose Rosewood
EB Edition Butorac RS Verlag Dr. Richard Strauss (Wien)
EBP Editio Baerenreiter Praha RSG Richard Strauss GmbH (Germany)
EC Edizioni Curzi (Italy) RSm R. Smith Co. (England)
ECA Edition Compusic (Amsterdam) Rub Rubank (New York)
ECS E.C.Schirmer (U.S.A.) S&B Stainer & Bell (London)
EE Edition Eulenburg (Germany,England,Switzerland) Sal Salabert (Paris)
EE全音ゼンオン 全音(オイレンブルクハンリプリント) SB Summy-Birchard (U.S.A.)
EF Edition Foetisch(Switzerland,France) SFP Sam Fox Publishing Company (Florida)
EG Edition Gabriceli (Germany) SFr Schott Freres (Belgium)
EJR Ediciones Joaquin Rodrigo (Spain) Sha Shawnee Press, Inc. (U.S.A.)
EK Edwin F. Kalmus (U.S.A.) Sim Simrock, Richard Schauer, Rather,Lengnick (London, Hamburg)
EMA European music Archive (London) SJM S.J.Music (England)
EMB Editio Musica Budapest (Hungary) Ska Skandinavisk Musikforlag (Kopenhagen)
Eme Emerson (England) SMC Southern Music Compnany (U.S.A.)
EMM Editions Musicales du Marais (France) SMI Serenissima Music Inc.
EMP Excelsior Music Pub. (U.S.A.) Son Sonzogno (Italy)
EMR Editions Marc Reift (Switzerland) Spa Spartan Press (U.K.)
Eno Enoch (France) Spes S.P.E.S. (Italy)
ESM Edition Swiss Music (Switzerland) Sti Stiles
ESZ Edizioni Suvini Zerboni (Milano) Stu Studio Music Company (UK)
ETG Ediziun Trais Giats Ardez Sup Editio Barenreiter Praha (Supraphon) (Czech)
EW Edition Walhall (Germany) T&J Tischer & Jagenberg (Munchen)
Fab Musik Fabrik (France) TCL Trinity College London
Fal Falls House Tha Thames Publishing (London)
Faz Fazer (Finland) Ton Tonos (Germany)
FCM F C Music (日本) TP Theodore Presser Co. (U.S.A.)
FG Fenica Gehrman Tra Editions Transatlantique (France)
FH Friedrich Hofmeister (Germany) Trio Trio Musik Edition (Germany)
FM Faber Music (London) UE Universal Edition (Wien)
Fur Furore-Verlag (Kassel) UMM University of Miami Music Pub. (U.S.A.)
Gal Galaxy Music Corp. (New York) UMP United Music Pulishers (UK)
Gems Gems UT Ut orpheus Edizioni (Italy)
GH G. Henle Verlag (Munchen) VAW Viola World Publications (New York)
GH-BA Henle-Baerenreiter Vie Friedrich Vieweg (Germany)
GH-BHW Henle-Breitkopf WB Warner Brothers (U.S.A.)
Good Goodmusic (England) WH Wilhelm Hansen (Denmark)
GR G. Ricordi (Italy) WM Willy Muller (Germany)
Gra Edition Gravis (Germany) WTP The Well-Tempered Press (U.S.A.)
GR音友オントモ 音楽之友社(リコルディ版リプリント) WUE Wiener Urtext Edition (Wien,Tokyo)
GS G. Schirmer, Inc. (New York,) WW Walter Wollenweber (Munchen)
Gun Guentersberg (Germany) WWV Verlag Wiener Waldhornverein (Wien)
GWP Great Works Pub  YE Yorke Edition (London)
GZ G. Zanibon (Italy) Zim Zimmermann (Frankfurt)
H&B Helm & Baynov Verlg (Germany) Acc アコード出版(群馬)
H&R Hutchins & Rea 音友オントモ 音楽之友社
Hai Hainauer (London) 協議会キョウギカイ 日本ニホン作曲家サッキョクカ協議会キョウギカイ
Ham Hamelle & Cie. (Paris) クラフ クラフトーン
Han Haenssler Verlag (Stuttgart) 神戸コウベ 神戸楽譜
Heu Heugel et Cie. (Paris) ジェスク ジェスク音楽文化振興会
HL Hal Leonard Publishing Corp.(U.S.A.) 書院ショイン 東京音楽書院
HLG H. L. Grahl (Frankfurt/M.) ショット ショット株式会社カブ日本ニホンショット)
HMP Haydn-Mozart Presse (Salzburg) 全音ゼンオン 全音
HN Hornists' Nest (U.S.A.) ドレミ ドレミ楽譜
Hor Hortensia (Paris) ニチ 日本楽譜出版
HS Hans Sikorski (Hamburg) FCS フジ・カルチャー・ソフト(横浜)
Hug Hug & Co. (Zurich) ヤマハ ヤマハ
HV Heinrichshofen's Verlag (Germany) 春秋社 春秋社
IKM IKM (中山育美) 龍吟社 龍吟社